Microweber 1.1.4 is released

Microweber 1.1.4 is released Microweber release notes provide information about the progress of developing new features, enhancements applied to the current version and bug fixing has been done.This page…

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Microweber Joins DigitalOcean’s Marketplace

Microweber now available on Digital Ocean Marketplace We are excited to announce our latest partnership with Digital Ocean, one of the layers in the cloud computing era. In a bid to make it even easier…

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Microweber 1.1.3 is released

Microweber brings new horizons to the ease of creating websites for end user and website design service providers through its Drag and Drop Website Builder and Open Source CMS.Most importantly, our team…

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How the Internet changed our life. Part I: Communication

"I like your status and would gladly tweet about it!" Such a sentence would sound gibberish less than ten years ago. Why would anyone make a bird sound because he finds a person’s social status appealing?…

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Excellence in Innovation 2018 Award

We are happy to share with you that Microweber was awarded for "Excellence in Innovation" for 2018 year!The highest honor was given to us from the President of Republic of Bulgaria-Rumen Radev.  The…

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What is going on and why are we doing this? 

Our second post starts with a big thank you to everyone reading this article and especially to the members of the community forum, our e-mail subscribers and ticket system users who contacted us. We had…

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5 trends that will shape global ecommerce in 2014

Ecommerce continues its victorious march throughout the globe. The growth of business-to-consumer (B2C) ecommerce sales is insane – forecasts estimate that it will increase by 20% to reach $1,5 trillion…

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6 solid reasons for having your own domain

Taking care of your personal or professional image in the internet is just about the same as it is in real life. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about blogging, selling products online, establishing…

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The 5 Golden rules of blogging and why you should follow them

We’re living in the era of blogging. Truth is each one of us has stories to tell, interests to share, thoughts to communicate with others. We all carry the distinctive and unique lines of our life and…

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How the Internet changed our life. Part II: Business

The internet surely revolutionized communication, but its impact on business is no less profound. No one could have predicted the enormous possibilities brought by innovation that shook the market and…

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3 popular yet underestimated digital marketplaces to look out for

While we’re busy with preparing our own marketplace for templates and modules, we thought of some useful online marketplaces for entrepreneurs and small businesses. There are tons of them and we may…

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The 6 obligatory deal sites for retailers and customers alike

Deals have always been a huge part of our daily life but the Internet surely revolutionized the way sellers conduct and consumers utilize them. So whether you're a customer needing an electronic device,…

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Keywords for dummies: A short survival guide

In the last few years Google has been striving to weed out poor written, generalized content and improve the understanding of users’ intents during the search process. Google Panda, Google Penguin and…

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Microweber comes with version 1 running on Laravel 5

Microweber comes with version 1 running on Laravel 5. You know we kept quiet for some time. There was a lot going in the back.  Last year we received an e-mail from one guy from our community with the…

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6 intriguing web design tools that deserve your attention

Recently we’ve had a huge inflow of web designers writing to us and taking part in our open source quest. This is terrific! We're happy to receive such an attention even though we are still in beta…

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Suggest a feature

Hello,Please post your ideas and suggestions here http://microweber.uservoice.com/

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Showcasing your content with the powerful Posts List module

‌   You may wish to selectively showcase your content. Utilizing the Posts List module is crucial to mastering this. Its powerful functionality gives you the freedom to customize what your visitors…

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Showcasing your products with the Products module

    Showcasing your products to the optimum is vital for the expansion of your online business. You can rely on the diverse Products module to select which product lines or niches to show on different…

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Meet Liteness - the new default template

Finally!This was a curt way to express our satisfaction which has hit record levels. We believe it’s a fully deserved reaction because there’s a new default Microweber template. We’re making an…

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Happy birthday, Microweber!

Two years ago on this day Microweber started its breathing life as an open source project. We had our hopes held up high but were a bit unsure of the future. The only thing we were sure of was that there…

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Why go Open Source? A comparison between Custom and Open Source CMS

The recent years have been a ripe era for the CMS sector with a tendency towards furthering this even more. E-commerce is on the rise since many people want to have a go at the challenging, but rewarding…

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Making your website stand out with Liteness template's settings

As you might already know, there’s a new template player in the house. It’s called Liteness because it’s unbelievably light and smooth. While we did make a quick overview of what it offers, we didn’t…

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Color and Image customization with the Liteness template

The new default Liteness template offers a far greater color customization than the previous New World one. In order to access the Template Settings menu you have to click the wheel-like button either…

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On the cool media coverage we had and a bonus hint of the terrific redesign

Do you know what’s good about an interesting project?  It’s not only about your thrill as a creator of it. Not at all. All of us surely love what we do and tend to view our works as unique, noteworthy…

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A domain for only $8? This is not madness - just our hot summer offer!

Early summer is the time to get your groove on. While the late summer months like July and August are champions of laziness, June is a generator of energy and inspiration. That’s why we decided to hit…

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7 amazing free tools for your small business

Many small businesses are on a strict budget and try to balance between achieving a greater functionality and spending less. Luckily, there are tons of free tools and resources that can help you expand…

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Know your Entrepreneurship: Invaluable tips and advice from successful internet entrepreneurs

At least in my eyes, entrepreneurship is like a flowing wild river you have just found in an unknown site. You dive with some expectations and plans in mind, but there is no knowing whether you will sink…

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As Internet is growing more rapidly than ever, investing in it doesn't feel "old" at all

The internet is soon to reach a great milestone – one billion websites. Estimates put this to happen by the end of June this year. With the first website created in 1991, we’re bearing witness to…

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Know your Entrepreneurship II: Invaluable tips and advice from successful internet entrepreneurs

After some very intriguing interviews in the first post of "Know your Entrepreneurship" series, it's time for yet another round. My guests today are Lori Cheek, CEO of Cheek'd - the "next generation of…

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Know your Entrepreneurship III: Invaluable tips and advice from successful internet entrepreneurs

In the final post of our "Know your Entrepreneurship" series I have two...or actually, four guests that resemble two tales of entrepreneurship. Alex Membrillo is the CEO of Cardinal Web Solutions, the…

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On entrepreneurship, personal finance and life hacks: an interview with Money Crashers founder Andrew Schrage

I've always been a fan of economic education regarding personal finance. Especially given the recent crisis keeping track of your expenses and optimizing them in the best way possible is vital for our…

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Final steps towards releasing Version 1.0 and the Microweber Marketplace

This is going to be big. Brace yourselves and expect what was finally bound to happen.  We are at the final stage before going completely live. And by "final stage" we don’t mean months away. What…

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Version 0.9 of Microweber is now online!

‌We are pleased to announce that we have applied many upgrades to our latest stable 0.9 version of Microweber. Our CMS is moving closer and closer to take its deserved place on the top of the CMS sites!…

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Our CEO & developer Peter is listed as WebIt public speaker! Support him if you like his presentation topic

Today we noticed an awesome fact: our CEO & developer Peter has been included in the public speaker nominations at WebIt. Now, if you don’t know what WebIt is about, let us clarify: it’s a terrific…

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What to expect from Version 1.0

We have been waiting for over 2 years for this moment and we can finally say it: The testing for Microweber Version 1.0 has finally ended! It took some long weeks of hard work, constant tests and a good…

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6 Reasons to choose Microweber over other CMS

It’s a competitive world and the CMS niche is not an exception. There are hundreds of CMS companies out there, each offering many features and promising all the best to the end-user. There are the top…

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Making a new module

Creating modules is easy and requires writing just a few lines of code. The tutorial shows how it's done.

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Using the "Embed code" module to insert remote content

You can use the "Embed code" module in order to insert remote content that you want to include in your site. Here is a quick tutorial on how to do this. You can get the example code from here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/like-box-for-pages/…

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Using Drag & Drop

The Drag & Drop function makes everything way easier and quicker to arrange. Check the short tutorial to see how it operates.

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On a successful week and a new 0.93 version

‌It’s Friday and there's a trumpet sounding a call for relaxation and lazy weekends. For us, the Microweber team, it is a day to look back at what we accomplished during the week. And wow, what a…

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Creating and Editing Users

The Users section is situated on the Admin navigation bar. Clicking on it will redirect to a whole new screen with details about current users. Here you can: - Sort users by roles (User or Admin) - Sort…

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Setting up an Online Shop and adding Products

As with New Posts, Pages and Categories, adding a New Product can be done: 1) From below the Dashboard on your left 2) By clicking on an existing page from your Website Tree and choosing Add New on your…

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Creating a New Page

There are two ways to create a New Page. You can either do this from your Website Tree on the left or select an existing page which will prompt an Add New menu to appear on the right. From here you…

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Exploring Comments and their settings

Any new unread comments will be shown like Notifications in the top right corner of your Dashboard with a corresponding number. You can also check your new unread comments and edit them from:  1) The…

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Creating a Blog Post

Your ideas, thoughts and interests matter. There is a whole internet community waiting to hear about them, after all! This tutorial will give you some insight on how to share with Microweber in a quick,…

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Online Shop menu overview

‌  The Online Shop section can be located on the Admin Navigation bar and is distinctive with its cart symbol. The section is divided in five sub-sections: Products, Orders, Clients, Shipping and Options. …

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Header and Footer Menus: Creating and Editing them

Creating a well-constructed Header and Footer Menus is a key to good visitor orientation in your website, blog or online shop. You can utilize both menus to showcase your content and attract additional…

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Exploring the Settings of your website

The Settings section is accessible from the Admin navigation bar and lets you manage and edit the global settings of your site. The Website tab helps you optimize your site to the best. You can: - Set…

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A quick introduction to the File Manager

Microweber has a built-in File Manager that lets you upload files to your site. You can access it from the Quick Links present at the bottom of your Dashboard section. Clicking on the File Manager opens…

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Some bragging: We got the User Guide section running!

The last few weeks were a combination of hard work and much fun. We know that sometimes those two don’t mix together well, but in this case they did. And that is why there is a whole User Guide full…

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Live Edit and Drag & Drop: The core features of Microweber

Microweber's most distinctive features are the Real Time Text Writing & Editing feature and the Drag & Drop feature. The first one lets you work on the site interface itself in a view dubbed Live…

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Creating a New Category

  There are two ways to create a New Category. You can either do this from your Website Tree on the left or select an existing page which will prompt an Add New menu to appear on the right. From here…

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Get colorful: Changing background and website elements' colors

Microweber CMS doesn’t set limits to your color preferences. You can always change your background color, upload a certain image to use as your website’s background and customize different menus by…

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Basic color psychology and why do colors matter when creating websites

Spring is here, at least by our side, and nature suddenly woke up from the winter and became a Queen of colors. That’s why our last tutorial is one on painting your website all over but we won’t be…

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