Final steps towards releasing Version 1.0 and the Microweber Marketplace

This is going to be big. Brace yourselves and expect what was finally bound to happen. 

We are at the final stage before going completely live. And by "final stage" we don’t mean months away.

What we mean is that in a few weeks’ time, the project will leave beta once and for all. Version 1.0 will bring forth some huge changes for the better. Among these are:

  • A complete inner interface redesign of the CMS: more visually appealing, easier to navigate through, slick and rich on options.

  • A Marketplace for templates and modules: the meeting point for crafty developers, inspired designers and end users seeking tempting customization for their websites, online shops or blogs.

  • White label for hosting companies who wish to use the website builder

  • Even more flexible and smooth user experience

Click on any of the screenshots to view it in full size.

We have already received a lot of queries for white label license from web hosting and web design companies situated all over the world. Once again it seems that when people find something valuable in their eyes, geographical boundaries do not matter at all. We are glad that software which we’re passionate about resonates so well with a global community of tech-inspired people.

Additional templates are also in the making – both from our side and from the same energetic, visionary designers and developers that wish to contribute to the open source cause of Microweber.

Summer surprises are the best and we surely have a big one in our pockets. Microweber 1.0 is dawning soon. Have a little more patience and we will bring it out to you.

Comments for Final steps towards releasing Version 1.0 and the Microweber Marketplace

morijohn3   2019-02-11 07:28:48
Really on point with the tips and I just wanna say my thanks.
cherry.mae123   2019-01-07 09:00:29
thanks for this blog!!
Microweber Team   2018-08-20 14:25:42
Thank you for the kind words, Mez and David! :) We really are happy to see such reactions.

David, Version 1.0 will follow the same pattern as Microweber is now. It will be available for download, you can use it in your own server and you can either make a free account or a paid one, whatever your choice is! :)
David   2018-08-20 14:25:40
will the final product still be available for download – and if so, how much will it cost? – or can you just use it on your servers?

PS.: I'm really looking forward for the alpha-version! I think that'll be a big competitor for wordpress & co. :-)
Mez   2018-08-20 14:25:26
I would suggest you guys wait until you have the full product ready including templates ;) this product will have the wow effect
Boris   2018-08-20 14:25:11
Yep i belive that we can release it till end of july, then continue work on making templates. Next week final grand test of v.1 and then Go, Go, Go!
Robson   2018-08-20 14:25:08
Do you think Version 1.0 will be release by the end of July?
Mez   2018-08-20 14:25:02
Can we expect it by the end of July ?
Microweber Team   2018-08-20 14:24:56
David, creating a template with MW is really easy as some contributors have noted. If you have any troubles or problems, you can always head to our Community forums: . But overall it should be a quick process! :)

Nins, thank you for your kind words! Opinions and receptions like yours are a strong fuel to keep us going.
Atari   2018-08-20 14:24:47
I wait for the new version already, I hope for it will be, that all page may be other his full site background (not only content).
Nice work: Atari
Nins   2018-08-20 14:24:32
@David - I'm not the one you must want to hear an answer from, but I have an opinion towards what you've just mentioned.

First, artisteer is a good and easy-to-use program to create templates. However, the design output is very limited and will not enable most designers to think "out of the box". Those you've mentioned are using it as "designers" might not be designers by profession, since they will have to sacrifice the beauty of design for the sake of speed and use of a very limited tool.

Microweber in itself is already a great tool to speed up template creation. Compared to other CMSs, you just need to place a few code here and there to create something great.

If you want a tool to speed up the process, take this advice.

1. Use Dreamweaver to covert your sliced JPEG files to HTML/CSS.
2. Use the same tool to place the microweber codes, which is fairly easy.

To be honest, if you are a professional designer (or you're hiring one) it won't take days or weeks to create MW template. Basically, MW templates are just HTML/CSS files coverted to PHP as MW codes are placed. And these codes aren't nearly as complicated as Wordpress'.

I personally think MW is created for designers. Less development time, less complicated code. Less bulk.
Sajid   2018-08-20 14:23:27
I hope User permission / ACL is there in ver 1.0. eagerly waiting for it.
David Caudwell   2018-08-20 14:23:14
Hi Guys,
We have spoken in the past, but not for some months. I have been waiting to see what Ver 1.0 will deliver, and I suspect it'll be groundbreaking. I do have a question though - what holds many CMSs back is that it's just too hard for designers to create their own custom-built template. For Wordpress, this has been largely solved by Artisteer 4.0, which I currently use. Unique and fully customised high quality templates can be created quickly without coding, then exported in a range of CMS "formats" such as Wordpress, Joomla and Concrete5, to name a few. Do you have a solution for those of us who want to create our own templates for MW without spending days/weeks writing HTML and CSS code?
Kind regards,
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