Our CEO & developer Peter is listed as WebIt public speaker! Support him if you like his presentation topic

Today we noticed an awesome fact: our CEO & developer Peter has been included in the public speaker nominations at WebIt.

Now, if you don’t know what WebIt is about, let us clarify: it’s a terrific global conference that connects entrepreneurs, media and investors. Its 6th edition in Istanbul this year will be a true breeding ground for innovative concepts and groundbreaking ideas.

What’s even better is that Peter has already accumulated 71 votes! That may have to do with the fact that his presentation topic is pretty kickass:

“Surviving the content creation overflow: Meet the REAL digital era of creating and sharing content”

Sounds captivating, eh?

The topic came up after a little brainstorm and a sudden realization that has to do with a great philosopher. You may remember Descartes’ words: “I think, therefore I am”. Well, the current digital era has made a new formula that seems applicable to our habits: “I create – therefore I share”.

So how can one cope with the content creation overflow and stand out above it? What are the unique sides of content creation as we experience it now?

Just look at our content creation and distribution process, no matter if we have a website, an ecommerce venture or a blog. We send newsletters with MailChimp, we improve our SEO with Moz or freelancers, we respond to our customers and readers’ feedback and we cherish our own niche community because it’s the pillar of our business.

The internet ecosystem is one focused on dependency and interweaving of services, a multi-participant process from the start to the finish line.

If that got you hooked, you can vote for Peter on the WebIt page. It will be a great way of sharing our ideas with other people. It will also help us reach a wider audience with our software!

Speaking of that…we’re applying finishing touches on Version 1.0. Next week will see a blog post with some comparison between the older and newer version of Microweber. It will be pretty interactive and fun to experience, so stay alert and expect it!

As for WebIt, here's a picture of last year's conference. This year Istanbul will accommodate multiple times the amount of people. Thrilling!

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