6 Reasons to choose Microweber over other CMS

It’s a competitive world and the CMS niche is not an exception. There are hundreds of CMS companies out there, each offering many features and promising all the best to the end-user. There are the top giants like Wordpress, Joomla and Wix for example. You can easily become small fish among the sharks.

We at Microweber don’t view ourselves as small fish. Yes, we’re just starting and it’s a hard journey to the top. You don’t reap success and become a leader in a few months. It can take years. We are working on this and will continue doing so, striving towards becoming the best CMS and delivering the best service to our community.

There surely is a question looming on your mind: "Why exactly would I choose Microweber instead of another CMS?"

Let’s get straight to the factual point and give you 6 reasons for going the Microweber way.

1) It’s FREE

No explanations needed. It’s 100% free. We admit it – a lot of our competition is the same and this may not be much compelling as a reason. So let’s start listing our truly unique and awesome features.


2) Ditch the Admin panel: the future is editing “live"

 No other CMS has this function. Admin panels are a thing of the past, even if you have the option to manage your content with them. Our “Live Edit” feature lets you work on the site itself surrounded by your customized beautiful theme. No complexity, no tabs, no confusion. Just the interface of the site you chose to have.

3) Utilizing the Drag & Drop technology

There sure are other web builders that use the Drag & Drop technology (not much though). After all, it’s the most up-to-date way of navigating through a site. Microweber has an advantage: it pairs the quickness of this innovation with the Live Edit function. If everything became much more intuitive with Drag & Drop, double that feeling in our case.


4) Microweber CMS lets you customize your page layout with just a click

This text needs to go right and this picture needs to be on the left. Let’s add a column here and remove a picture there…But no, this doesn’t look right. Rearrange the elements. This too is a bit confusing. Let’s rearrange again and again.

Ever got frustrated by moving, scrolling and switching wildly to achieve the layout you want?

This is where we move in with more than 18 configurations that serve to your liking. Drag & Drop a layout with a Team member page for your company profile. Or maybe a widescreen image with a single column of text below for your breaking news story. Why not four images arranged in two columns for creating the perfect gallery of your holiday?

We doubt that there is a CMS that offers you the chance of customizing your page layout in less than 5 seconds.

5) Don’t fear the lack of technical knowledge


Not everyone is a technical genius and it’s perfectly fine. Let’s face it: a big number of users lack the knowledge to find their way in the jungle of site making. That’s why Microweber is specifically designed for the end-user that has no technical proficiency. No complex lists of features that make you scratch your head and wonder why you are even doing this. No HTML editing to add functions or other features. Just quick’n’easy clicking around our modules and you’re set to go.


6) It's a create-and-share world

Microweber is open source. That means that we value freedom greatly. We know there are lots of talented designers and developers out there. Some of you guys and girls are freelancers, others are not. You all have something in common though: a passion to explore, a desire to create, a need to share your works.

We give you a chance to do exactly this. Modify the code. Customize a certain module or plug-in. Paint a whole new theme for the end-user to experience. Distribute it freely or sell it. Unleash your imagination and talent - we know you have it in you.

This is just the beginning. We plan on establishing a huge Marketplace to connect you and the end-user, a feature that will result in the ultimate benefit for both sides. A great product becomes such not only because of the sole work of its creators. The passion and communication process between its users and consumers make a contribution too.

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