Creating and Editing Users

The Users section is situated on the Admin navigation bar. Clicking on it will redirect to a whole new screen with details about current users.

Here you can:

- Sort users by roles (User or Admin)

- Sort users by status (Active or Disabled)

- Search for users

- Sort users by Date created, Last login or Username

- Change existing user’s role or status or delete an existing user

Most importantly, you can Add a New User, elaborating on personal details (First & Last name, Username & Password, e-mail) and specifying this new user’s functionality (Admin or User, Active or Disabled).

Changing a user’s role or status is easy and can be done by using the slider. Admins can both log in and edit a site’s content while Users can only log in and comment.

Comments for Creating and Editing Users

Peter Ivanov   2016-04-18 13:11:43
Hi, roles are not supported yet. They will come in the future versions, for now its planned for version 1.1
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