
Adding Pages

With Microweber, adding a new page is a very simple task.  You have a number of ways to do that, depending on your preferences and sense of comfort.

First, click on the "Website" menu in the upper left section of your screen. The dropdown menu shows 

One way  to navigate your mouse on the "+" button next to the "Page" link in the left menu on your screen. When you're at the right spot, the "+" button transforms into an "add" link - just click on it and you're set.

The second option is to use the "Add New" drop down menu in the upper left corner of your screen. When you click on it, you will see a menu, where you can choose between "Page", "Post", "Category", "Product" or "Marketplace Item". Guess what - all you have to do is choose the Page icon and you are ready to go.

The third option is to click on the "Add New Page" button as shown below in the video. You can add new pages if you are in the website menu or the Pages submenu.

Always make sure you in the right section, where you want to have your new page added, before you apply any of the options outlined above. 

Once you  are in the "Add New Page" screen, give your page a title. Click on "Settings" to add a parent page to your new page, add images, add it to navigation and add custom fields. You can also go to "Advanced" options for some super easy extra settings that will secure even better customization.

The next thing you need to do is choose a Layout from the dropdown menu on the left and a Template from the menu on the right. Throughout the process, you will see how your page will look in real time right on your screen.

If you want to use a layout you've already created, choose the "Inherit" option from the Layout dropdown menu. You can change the replicated pages by clicking on the categories in the tree menu on the left.

With the "Add New Page" feature, you have full control of what kind of web page you want to add.

If you don't see the exact layout design you are looking for your purpose, don't worry, just create a new page with "clean" layout and use the drag and drop technology to fill it with content such as product list, post list, google maps, contact form, galleries, text, heading and whatever you like!