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End Users, Freelancers, Web/Software Companies, Hosting Companies, Enterprice says:

Draven Vestatt /

I'm Impressed With Microweber!

This CMS is pretty impressive! I need something that's easy for my clients to manage, and has a small server footprint to keep their hosting costs low. Anyway, good job and keep up the good work!

Teoma / Client

You guys rock

Microweber - you guys rock, you making Presta, OS Commerce and Magento... etc etc... look like bad starts-ups. Your drag and drop creates a complete creative canvas to express ones shop with freedom from modules and rigidity, unlike the rest whose learning curve is like cave tunneling and lost in menus upon menus. You have achieved creative abstraction with ease in your product. Big Up.!

Lexi /

I feel like your product is too good to be true.

Wow. I feel like your product is too good to be true. I have been looking (and I'm embarrassed to say for a month now) for something that would allow me to go with my own website host, while at the same time, easy enough for me to manage like a Shopify or Wix, without constant work and fear of hacking, also with eCommerce. I'm doing everything alone, with very little money, trying to get an environmentally focused product start up going, and so I thank you for what seems just amazing software.

John / Client

I found Microweber a lot easier to use...

I found microweber a lot easier to use than wordpress or joomla and I hope it can rival wordpress and become of the major CMS

Jean Karl Georges / Client

I am really enjoying the discovery of your platform.

Hi! I am really enjoying the discovery of your platform. I think it it is probably the MOST user-friendly, and COMPLETE content offering tool for a small business.

/ Client

Find your tools very friendly.

Just a piece of information for you, I am 63 year old, never set up a website, and find your tools very friendly. My learning curve is steep but if can do this any one should be able. Thank you

Bertrand / Web developer

Your CMS looks fantastic.

Good morning, I am Bertrand from Glasgow (Scotland, United Kingdom). I only discovered and tested microweber this morning. Your CMS looks fantastic. I am not a web programmer but I would like to be able to help and contribute. For example, I could record tutorial videos during my leisure time while testing and so on. I really liked what I saw. Feel free to contact me. Regards, Bertrand

Ozan Çanaklı / Web Design Company

Awesome and easy to use CMS.

Hi, First of all you do a great job. Awesome and easy to use CMS. Greetings from neighbor Bodrum/Turkey. I'm running a web design business. Currently using wordpress for our clients, but i think microweber is easy to understand and use according to wordpress for clients. I want to use microweber for my client but website must be English, Turkish and Russian. I cant figure out, is microweber support multi-language websites? We will be happy to create templates for Microweber. First templates will be free and when marketplace ready want to sell "premium templates" on your marketplace. I will waiting for template documentation. Thank you, Ozan.

Nico Sica / Hosting Company

Hosting Owner Company

I am interested in discussing a collaboration with you about Microweber, which I discovered via GitHub yesterday. I am very interested in Microweber and in particular in the possibility of developing a commercial hosted app based on Microweber. Consider that one of our company is Tophost (www.tophost.it), which is the Italian leader in the field of domain registration (150.000+ customers). I see several possible commercial synergies between a hosted app based on Microweber and with Tophost.

Hejnowicz / Hosting Company

Hosting Company Owner

Hi!, We are interested in supplying the microweber to our hosting services clients as a web development tool. Therefore we have a question whether or not this will infringe your copyrights (the software will be installed free of charge as a supplement to the services). We would also like to know what business model you are planning to have in the future - is there possibility of providing support and what payment terms would this involve? In addition, we are interested in using ready guides on your website - we would like to render them into Polish and make available to our clients, be it through your website (by sending you Polish translation) or from our website - to be agreed.

Bove Roeroe / Web developer

I found Microweber is amazing easy answered all my time questions.

Hi... I am web designer and web based applications maker for at least 8 years with Wordpress. I found Microweber is amazing easy answered all my time questions. I do consider to make a donation, how?