Member Access

Peter, Is there a way with MW to make a sort of members areas? I have a client that is wanting something that they can show their clients after payment for a  digital product, but not allow anyone else…

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Edit Page Source

Support, I am trying to find within the folders where I am able to edit the page source? For instance: I have a web form that is an HTML embed. It calls a handler script with a line of javascript  that…

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One Element On Page

G‌uys, Not sure if I am doing this wrong or what.. Using the SQLITE version and having an issue... I have created 5 pages on a site that are near to identical and each page is the same. It will only…

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How to move/port a microweber site with SQLITE?

Guys, First off I love Microweber!!!  I am using it to build out a project right now that involves several franchise sites..  Pretty much same content on the site just different states. I am using MW…

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