combomktg711 March 22, 2016 / 00:00

First off I love Microweber!!!
I am using it to build out a project right now that involves several franchise sites..  Pretty much same content on the site just different states.

I am using MW with sqLite and was thinking that I could just zip up my entire site and then download the zip/tar.gz file and then upload to new domain. Extract and then change the site to fit the state that I am working on...

Would this be the proper way to do this? 

Again using SQLITE so no MYSQL database needs to be transferred.

Welcome any and all advice.

Comments for How to move/port a microweber site with SQLITE?

Peter Ivanov   2016-03-23 14:56:04

This is easy, you just upload the whole website.

The SQLITE file is in the 'storage' folder and you must copy this folder too
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