Contact form internal server error 500

In Settings > Email > Send email function is set to PHP mail function and if I add my email address that I know is working and then click the 'Send test email' button nothing happens and in Chrome…

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ModSecurity and OWASP Rules

There's plenty of discussion on the web about ModSecurity triggering false positives with other CMS systems, has anyone any recommendations for configuring for Microweber to avoid unneccesary blocks? …

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Categories - SEO urls & top description

When will we be able to edit the category urls to use descriptive keywords? Each category needs to have the option of adding some descriptive text above or below the product listing, this is a common…

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How to add Google tracking code to Contact form once submitted

‌ I've tried adding a Google tracking code in the 'done' function in file /templates/my-site-name/modules/contact_form/index.php to include Google Tracking using jquery by following a post here but…

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ErrorException in InstallController.php line 199: Undefined index: mysql

I've tried installing microweber-latest on XAMPP on Windows with Php5.4.39 and MySql 5.0.10 and when I try loading the site via localhost I get: ErrorException in InstallController.php line 199: Undefined…

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Install hangs at 2nd preparing to install message

Trying to install v0.93462 but it stops at the second 'preparing to install' message without any error message. It may be due to allow_url_fopen not being enabled (although if I temporarily comment out…

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Meta data for SEO

Is there anyway to override automated meta data in the meta title, description, and keyword tags for each page? Quite important for SEO.

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Upgrading existing site to new version

When version 1.0 is released how will we upgrade an existing site? Will we need to manually upload files via ftp or is there an easy upgrade process that fetches files from github?

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How to add an option to change the background color of main-menu div

In templates/mytemplatename/header.php I tried adding class="edit" to div id="main-menu" with field="mytemplatename-main-menu" rel="global" to see if I could make the main-menu div editable and to change…

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Changing Styles

I'm struggling to change styles of certain elements. There are quite a few different css files but for instance I was trying to change the back ground colour of the h4 element with class 'alert-warning'…

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Add new date format

How do I add a new date format for the UK in the format of D-M-Y (instead of M-D-Y)?

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Setting background image

I've started a custom template using a copy of the Liteness template and I've tried to change the background image to one that I've uploaded via Template Settings section in the on-page editor; the image…

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Sub-domain install - menu & slider style and admin url

I've copied a website and it's database from my local server to a sub-domain sub-directory on an online server, so the website now resides in /home/mydomain/public_html/test/ and the url is something…

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Module for header to appear on all pages

I've created a new module called social_buttons and it appears in the header and footer on all pages. I've added it to the template header in the html, but for the footer I dragged and dropped. The url…

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How to make a drag-n-drop layout?

I've used the 03_text_3_column.php layout found in userfiles/elements/text with picture/ as a template to make a new layout module, so I've created 3 new files with new unique name but even after clearing…

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Login, Register, and Forgotten Password

How are the modules Login, Register, and Forgotten Password meant to work? The Login module seems to just have a link to Log out, Register, and Admin; login seems not to be linked. So are we meant to…

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