I've created a new module called social_buttons and it appears in the header and footer on all pages. I've added it to the template header in the html, but for the footer I dragged and dropped. The url options in the footer are correct in all pages but for the module in the header the url options only exist for the home page and an about page, they are blank for other pages.

In the options table in the database there's one entry per url option with an option group called 'social-buttons-20140826123604' relating to the footer, and there's one entry per url option with an option group called '-1631424372' relating to the module in the header. I see in the header html (view source) that the id of the module div on the home page is -1631424372 but for other pages that id is preceded with the page name eg -about1631424372 but I can't see these other id's listed in the database.

Can anyone advise please. Looks like something may be wrong with the option group references for the module in the header.

Comments for Module for header to appear on all pages

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