
I installed Beta v. 0.93461 on my a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS virtual server running Apache2.
I didn't have this problem with the first instance I installed on one of the domains.
I installed it today on 2 other domains with different document roots (naturally).

Now it appears that when I am in live edit mode, no matter what I change I cannot
save it. When I click Save and then try to go to another page I get a popup saying...

Confirm Navigation
You have unsaved changes!

Are you sure you want to leave this page?

Then 2 choices...

"Leave This Page" or "Stay On This Page"

This happens in IE 11, and Chrome 33 (SRWare Iron). Any ideas?

Comments for You have unsaved changes...

Boris Sokolov   2017-10-12 08:09:46
Now version 1 is online, you can download it.
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