ccrunch71 May 01, 2019 / 00:00
Hello there, I'm new to microweber and was working on setting it up to try to use for our store, we currently aren't happy with our current CMS solution and wanted to give the little guy a chance to play ball. Thing is we have been trying to build a site to meet our needs, and so far when populating with products we've found one issue thats quite frustrating. We would like to remove the header and the information field from our products pages automatically and I'm not sure how to do that. attached is  a link to a screenshot of what I'm describing.

Comments for Tweaking Dream Template to remove header

Boris Sokolov   2019-05-03 13:03:46
Hi, yes this is not predicted in the current version of Dream Template. We will fix it and will release update for "Dream theme" where you can remove this element on the top. Right now you can remove only the image and the heading and the text stays there. We will fix that in the next update... try to find it next week.
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