Krasi Istatkov April 05, 2016 / 00:00
Dear all,

Please help with this my question is is it possible to rename this button "add to card" to something else.
Link for the page: 

If it is not possible to make it with the live edit may I put some HTML code and the things will happen or something!? Please help.
Or any other options for open the html code of the hole page and make there my remarks or something?

Also is it possible to connect my website with adobe dreamweaver in order to make changes there?

Looking forward to your comments,
Thank you in advance,


P.S. Please don't hate me I understood only from graphic programs not typing a code and for that reason i prefer web based programs for making website or the most easier program adobe dreamweaver.

Comments for Rename button "add to card" in the online shop

Peter Ivanov   2016-04-07 16:42:48
hi, you must go on language settings in


then change your language to Bulgarian and search for add-to-cart and change the text
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