Nathan Goss

Product Fields

I have spent some time trying to work out how to display the data for a product on an order, where a user has selected an option on a custom field. Example: Product A has a "Color" option with two choices,…

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Export orders

It would wonderful to be able to export a list of orders from the shop.Is this planned functionality?Thanks,Nathan

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Order list only showing the last 30 orders

When viewing orders in the admin interface, only the last 30 orders are listed.There is no pagination, or method of moving to the remaining orders in the system.Any ideas?Thanks,Nathan

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Issues during Shop Checkout

Hi there,I am having some intermittent issues with the Microweber shop, where some orders do not get transferred to the Payment Gateway (PayPal).The order gets created, and the shopping cart gets emptied,…

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Shop - "required" fields not working

I have added some "required" fields (radio buttons) to my products in the shop. Why am I able to add these products to the shopping cart if I haven't selected an option? Thanks, Nathan

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