MotorCityBags January 06, 2016 / 00:00
1) I can't change the name of the drop down tab here: It just says select. 

2)) Most importantly, which could very well be the deal breaker for me, I cannot change the pricing based on customer selection. If the customer chooses from the management drop down and the options selection the prices should all change accordingly. Your theme has one set price no matter what the selection which doesn't work for me. 

3) The CSV import is not working for me. I click the restore button and nothing happens. 

4) I can't make duplicate products easily. A copy or duplicate function would be nice for products using the same photos or description and I could easily edit a few things instead of redoing the entire thing.

5) As far as I can see, there is no way to put a higher price and cross it off to show a lower price. This is important marketing strategy as well.

I am on my 14 day free trial still but if I can get these things resolved I will stick around indefinitely!


Comments for Newbie questions

Peter Ivanov   2017-10-12 08:03:31

1) I can't change the name of the drop down tab

- Yes we will be fixing that in the theme update

2) Most importantly, which could very well be the deal breaker for me, I cannot change the pricing based on customer selection.

- You are able to set many prices per-product. I have currently added few prices for this product however the prices cannot be set based on field selects logic, but this is a feature that we plan to release soon. For now you can use the existing functionality and add few prices per product.

3) The CSV import is not working for me. I click the restore button and nothing happens.

- can you send us the CSV file you are trying to import so we can fix it

4) I can't make duplicate products easily.

- There is a button for copy in the admin panel -> edit product -> advanced

5) As far as I can see, there is no way to put a higher price and cross it off to show a lower price.

- when you have multiple prices you can re-arrange them by dragging the dripping the price custom field.
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