Bing Bong
Git cloned microweber to my /var/www folder in ubuntu 14.04.
Ran the installation. Installation was successfull.
I had chosen to install sample data and chosennew  lightness template.

But /localhost/microweber/admin gave 404 error.

/localhost/microweber loaded but graphics were not loaded.
Even the arrrangement of blocks was strange.
And the whatever link i clicked didnt load.
i.e. any second level links didnt load like microweber/contact

in .htaccess rewrite base was correctly set as /microweber/

Please ask me further details. I will tell you. 
Since it is a local install  i am unable to give you link.

You should create a bitnami like download for us.




I deleted installation installed through github.

Then i downloaded zip file from your link at
installed through it.
again same result.

screenshots link

Usually i dont file bug reports even though i am an opensource enthusiast.
But your passion for this project as evidenced by your team's prompt answers to many questions here made me to spend some time filing this bug report.


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