Cory Melton October 02, 2018 / 00:00

I'm installing Microweber on a Windows Server 2016 running IIS.

When I go to the new site, I get the questions about the database and username.

But when I click the INSTALL button, the progress bar goes to 8% and then appears to get stuck.  I have let it sit there for 30 minutes without any change.

I have PHP 7.2.7 and MySQL 8.0.12 installed.

I thought it may have been a permissions problem, so I gave IUSR full access to the directory and the DB user all permissions on the schema, but nothing seems to help.

Any ideas?

Thank you!

Comments for Install stuck at 8%, setting default template

Peter Ivanov   2019-01-02 13:25:22
can you check if your mysql password is correct, you can see the error in the folder 'storage/logs'
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