andreas June 19, 2015 / 00:00
I have been trying out microweber (MW) for about a month now and I am very pleased with it. I am normally using joomla, but I see that my clients have a hard time remembering every step to do simple tasks, so they end up not using their web site at all.

As a test I set up a site in MW that I allready had set up in joomla. The useability is so much better in MW. I allso spend alot lesser time configuring the settings before involving the clients.
Setting up a template from scratch is allso very easy. I set up a bootstrap template in no time. I really believe this will be my cms of choice if is proves to be sustainable.

Keep up the good work, guys!
Regards Andreas

Comments for I am very pleased with microweber

Peter Ivanov   2015-06-21 16:10:14
Wow, thanks for the kind words!
Boris Sokolov   2015-06-23 10:03:30
Will do it Andreas! Thank you!
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