bender June 05, 2018 / 00:00

First sorry for my English, I only speak Spanish.

When trying to edit any page after installing Microweber, the error message appears:


You do not have permission to access / api / save_edit on this server. "

Can you help me?

Thank you

Comments for Don't have permission to access /api/save_edit

Peter Ivanov   2018-06-05 16:05:31
hi, this is strange, do you use apache server?
bender   2018-06-05 21:35:34
Thanks for answering

Yes, I use apache:

Server version: Apache/2.4.29 (Unix)
Server built: Feb 14 2018 13:01:48
Peter Ivanov   2018-06-06 12:26:13
hi, do you have mod_security enable in apache ?
bender   2018-06-06 17:27:32
Yes, I tried to disable it because I saw that I was blocking it, but still giving the same error, Could it be the firewall? In another server does not measure this error, with which I suppose it is a configuration failure. It is a dedicated server with Centos 7 and using Centos Web Panel
Peter Ivanov   2018-06-06 17:46:08
hi, it will be best if you can contact us on skype: microweber to check more details of the problem
bender   2018-06-07 18:22:56
Thanks for everything, I will continue trying to find a solution now that I see that it is a server configuration problem, my English is very bad and I do not carry a conversation through Skype.

Thank you very much for everything, if I find the problem I will communicate it.
Peter Ivanov   2018-06-11 15:57:42
hi, we tried to fix this by encoding the save data in base64_encode , the new code will be available in the download page tomorrow, download the update zip file
arvind.ekta2026   2018-10-09 07:16:12
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