bellamax May 31, 2016 / 00:00
I had my microweber website running nicely on my cpanel hosting account on a sub domain (public_html/  I had a problem (unrelated to microweber) when I thought I could rename the folder holding all the microweber files, then later move it back to the original folder - however, I now find this has rendered the website unusable/fatal errors.

I still have the temp folder with the original files of the working website.

I have installed a new version of microweber at the original location and it shows the template/demo site OK -  before I embark on the monumentally tedious job of starting designing/keying my website all over again, can anyone suggest how/if I could get the old files back to the original folder (where the new install is now) and have the original website display as before.

I am VERY new to this and do NOT program or know much of what is going on (on multiple levels!!) - so no techno-babble please - keep it simple please :)

If it helps..... the folder structure was as follows:-

I then renamed the folder:  public_html/originalwebsiteORIG
After lots of messing around I then copied the files from originalwebsiteORIG back to public_html/

There after got fatal error message when viewing site online.

As much as I love microweber - It would be amazing if I could get some assistance to avoid re-keying the whole website again!!

Many thanks.

Comments for CPanel - move folder

Peter Ivanov   2016-06-27 08:17:14

The problem you are experiencing may be related to cache issues

You can delete the folder `storage/framework/cache` and this should fix the issues
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