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White Label Basic

Version: master
Last update: 2019 Jan 08
Added on: 2015 Jul 07
Downloads: 34
Comments: 4
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White Label Basic

CREATED BY Microweber Team

 This standard license is perfect for Web Developers / Web Design Companies & Freelancers.
Sell Microweber CMS to your clients!

Your Own / Domain /  Logo / Links /   Microweber CMS is your CMS and Owr Team is Your Support!  

With the standard white label license you will have the rights to 100% re-brand Microweber content management system with your own logo and color scheme under your domain name.

The standard white label license installation comes with one default theme for free! If you need more templates you need to buy them from the marketplace.

Use Microweber under your brand and you can sell it to your clients.

The Microweber white label solution gives you the opportunity to make business that grows month by month and generates you a residual income. If you plan to use this license, we suggest you to become affiliate on Microweber marketplace and earn money constantly! 

This license is for single domain only!

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Comments for White Label Basic

Boris Sokolov   2017-11-24 12:03:41
@kapre kapre you can use Microweber under your brand for unlimited websites or shops you provide to the customers. You will receive the latest updates of Microweber and can continue using it under your brand. The subscription is monthly and if you can cover it the logo of Microwebre will appear, but still, Microweber will continue working without any limitations for your clients!
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