Microweber was a part of Webit Congress 2014

Webit was an amassing Event! 

This was our first and believe not last event we visit. We have been involved at it with the founder games which Webit Congress 2014 organize.

We are proud to share with you that, we were selected as a semi-finalists form more 1675 famous start-ups and companies around the world.

This was the another thing that whispers us that we are awesome and our product in the face of Microweber is going in the right way -  Going Forward!

Webit Congress 2014 was awesome. It was massive and presented great. Many start ups were there as we were. 

We felt the energy of this event in the whole Istanbul city in Turkey. Our team was truly surpised by the EMEA region's business atmosphere. 

There were so much great products and community was great. 

More than 7,000 people around the world were there, discussing the new technologies and trends.  

For us who were in the Start-up Village this was awesome, because there was always, people infected by the stages energy, coming to with us full with enthusiasm and questions. We had time to present Microweber to some Investors and Accelerators form the Middles East and Asia and we just understand how much bigger the world is!

Enjoy the images and moments of our visit to Webit Congress 2014 


-- One things was for sure - Drupal is going down, for sure! :)

Comments for Microweber was a part of Webit Congress 2014

Linda Nickell   2018-11-07 11:09:54
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