Microweber gets even better – new design coming soon!

Because you asked for it - we are working hard to give you a brand new dashboard with even better usability and a mobile-ready version. Coming in the end of April! 

Microweber's team is developing a brand new design for our cool CMS and Website Builder that will give users even greater usability and flexibility with a brand new features arrangement and a cool new mobile-ready version. The reworked version will go live as soon as end of April.

Better logic, better usability

Your contribution to the Request a Feature section on our website is a never-ending invaluable source of great ideas for ways to give you an even better product. Based on your feedback and suggestions, we have some structural changes in the software coming your way – we are rearranging the sections to improve logic and usability.

One of the cool new things in our shop section, for example, is that we have moved the shipping, payments, taxes, and other useful options out of the settings menu. To give our users even easier access to their e-shop management tools, these are now displayed as key categories directly in the left panel on your screen, eliminating the need to go to settings every time you wish to do something with them.

The settings menu now features modules, templates, website, log-in register, email notifications, licenses, upgrades and languages.


Our mobile-ready solution is on its way to allow users to manage their online shops, blogs or websites on the go. No matter where you are, and what you're doing, your online space will be in the palm of your hand, so you are always on top of what is going on there. We are also planning on launching a mobile app in the near future to make things even easier. Stay tuned for that!

Right-to-left admin template

This new template is targeted specifically at our users who write right-to-left. And as we all know, their number is quite big and is constantly on the rise. The reversed structure will be particularly welcome by our huge audience in the Arab world, who already have access to Microweber CMS&Web Builder in Arabic language thanks to the invaluable help and support of our community.

New statistics

The dashboard will now feature a statistics functionality allowing users to trace how their website, online shop or blog performs in real time. This is a great tool you can use on its own or in combination with other analytics packages, such as Google Analytics, for example.

 Code debug

As the ranks of our audience expand and thanks to the experience and feedback we get being an open source system, we continue our efforts to improve coding. We are restructuring the code, cleaning up some functions and basically debugging – we are sure you will all appreciate that.

C-panel plug-in

We plan to create a C-panel plug-in, which will allow hosting companies to easily integrate Microweber in their companies and servers.

E-commerce boost

After mid-April, when we plan to have finished working on our redesign, we are focusing our enthusiasm and efforts on further developing the shop section and functionality. We have our eyes set on things such as expanding the number of custom fields, price setting options, invoicing, client management, taxes, discount module, promo codes, etc.
Quite a pack of exciting new features!
Our ultimate goal is to offer a functional and complete e-commerce system, where users will be able to freely make all necessary changes in their Microweber e-shop. We believe this will happen sometime around mid-June.

So, stay tuned for the latest exciting news about Microweber CMS & Web Builder and don't forget to tell us what you need, like or dislike in our Forum, Suggest a Feature section or get in touch with us directly!‌ 

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