How to be a successful online entrepreneur, no matter what you sell?

On internet, you can be a successful entrepreneur selling almost anything if you know the right tricks. In this article, inspired by Nathan Lucas from Freedom Influencer, we will give you priceless tips and tools that will help you make a year worth of income in just a month. Don't believe us? Just keep on reading!

Source: Pixabay

Internet is huge and it's full of people trying to sell all sorts of stuff online. Amid this crazy competition, there are few that manage to break even, and even fewer who are able to make it into the green. Meanwhile, there are also those exceptionally successful online stores making huge profits out of goods that seem bizarre, mildly said.

What is the key to their success?

Start blogging/vlogging – NOW!

We can't even tell you enough how important content is in today's digital world. People are hungry for information – and the more they get, the more they want. If you are good at written communication, don't be shy to give your knowledge about your niche – share curious facts, statistics, photos, videos. Tell your audience about your successes and failures.

However, not all of us are good at writing stuff – don't worry if you're one of the less gifted content creators out there. You can always find a freelancer to do it for you. There are lots of platforms offering relatively cheap writing services, so you can take advantage of them.

Alternatively, and maybe even better, you can become a vlogger. If you're good at talking to people in videos and you're not shy to stand in front of the camera; or if you think that's something that you can overcome, then go on YouTube. Make your own channel and start spreading your passion, knowledge and experience. A lot of people are reluctant to do it because they say it's hard to gain traction. It may not be easy, but it's definitely worth it. If you actually choose to do this, it can change your life.

What's the point of doing that, you may ask? After all, this is not going to bring any money directly into my pocket. And you will be right – money will not start falling down from trees. But your ultimate goal is to become an influencer – someone people trust and believe, someone they turn to for advice and insight into your niche.

Don't underestimate the powers of an influencer

Source: Isabella Mendes

Becoming an influencer is not easy, but it's one of the most profitable and most rewarding things that you can do. What should you become an influencer in? Whatever you like, whatever you are passionate about.

If you create a YouTube channel or a blog, where you can get loyal audiences, it's not going to matter what you're selling. People will buy from you, because they like you, they trust you, and they will want whatever you put out into the marketplace.

Be passionate about what you sell

Probably the most important thing you need to consider before putting your hands on any online trade, is to pick a product or service you are passionate about. Why is it important? Because, whether you like it or not, there will be times when you will feel like giving up. And if you are not passionate about what you do, you are almost certain to quit. But if you are passionate, you are going to start again and you will get through those hard times.

Most people fail not because they fail, but because they quit.

Start generating leads

Source: Pixabay  

Capturing leads is one of the key actions you should take inside your business. They are its lifeblood. Create content online inside your niche and point people to a capture page. And on the other side of that capture page, give them something for free. It has to be for free – you can't charge for this thing, or you're not going to generate enough leads and your conversion rates are going to be very low.

You need to invest time and effort into your lead magnet – think about creating for example a free download pdf, e-book, anything, and create something that you would charge for. Put effort in it and say – I will charge $10 or $20 for this, and then give it away for free.

There are a bunch of different services out there to capture leads. The best one on the market in terms of user friendliness is probably clickfunnels. Just take your pick.

Link capture page to autoresponder

The next step you should take is link your capture page up with something called an email autoresponder. Two things are going to happen here. The first one is that the e-book you are giving away for free and you are hosting wherever you like, needs to be sent to people. You can use GetResponse, but there many services you can choose from (Awebber, ConvertKit, MailChimp). They allow you to automatically send your materials to the people who opted in to get your emails on your website.

Meanwhile, on the backend of the autoresponder, you are going to send them to an affiliate offer. You can go on ClickBank for this. More than likely, however, they are not going to buy it. Don't give up! Next you should send them an automated email sequence. These are basically emails that can go out every day, every other day or every week. It's all prewritten, automated, and is pointing people back to the initial offer.

The point of these emails is to build trust with your subscribers. When people put their email in your website, they want to know that they can trust you. If you send them helpful information inside your emails, they are going to grow to know, like and trust you. And if you build that relationships with them, and continuously send them offers, they are more likely to buy from you. This is powerful, because, since they are on your list, you can start sending them other offers from your autoresponder and make money that way. And these can be affiliate marketing offers.

Bonus: Affiliate Marketing

Source: Pixabay  

A lot of you have heard of this already, but this can change your life. Affiliate marketing is something where people now are making passive income a month worth more than many people are making a year. Just for recommending things that they did not create.

Here at Microweber we offer a very generous affiliate programme which comes with a 90-day affiliate cookie. This means that if a user clicks on your affiliate link and purchases anything from Microweber within 90 days, Microweber will give you credit, hence you will get your commission, because your user clicked through the link and purchased something.

Generous commission - we believe in fair play, that's why we give you a generous 50% commission for each buy generated through your affiliate link. If a user buys a Microweber template worth $22 through your link, you will immediately get $11 in our account.

Once you've made $100, you can ask us to send you your money and we will do that right away. Just click on the Request Withdrawal button in the centre of your screen.

You can check your money, clicks, and everything in your Microweber profile anytime, anyplace.

Ready to become Microweber's next successful affiliate partner? Do it now:

How to be a successful online entrepreneur, no matter what you sell?

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Comments for How to be a successful online entrepreneur, no matter what you sell?

arsenevgynyan   2019-04-01 10:58:03
A great Strain, it'll leave you with a great head high. It keeps you very relaxed, with little to no paranoia. It's better if smoked with rolling papers, or a bong. I highly suggest this strain if you are stressed out or have other physical pains.
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