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Bootstrap 3

Version: master
Last update: 2018 Dec 10
Added on: 2015 Jul 03
Downloads: 5572
Comments: 7
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Bootstrap 3

CREATED BY Peter Ivanov
This Bootstrap 3 template is a fully responsive, clean and easy to customize.
It is built with the Bootstrap CSS framework and also contains all color schemes from Bootswatch
You can use it for making simple sites or as a base for development of other templates.
Download this template and use it with Microweber CMS for free! 

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Comments for Bootstrap 3

tonykirwin   2018-12-10 03:34:59
unable to download/deploy is this still available?
Peter Ivanov   2018-12-10 13:37:54
hi, you can get the template from here https://github.com/microweber-templates/bootstrap3
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